"Tuesdays at the Castle" by Jessica Day George and "The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls" by Claire Legrand
Coincidentally, I just read two books in which the homes the protagonists inhabit are alive. Both stories were good, but both could have been better. Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George suffers from a cartoonish cover and wide variations in tone, while The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls by Claire Legrand could have benefited from a much tighter edit and consistent characterizations. Castle Glower in Tuesdays at the Castle is quite magical. It can transform rooms, add passageways, and even select the heir to the kingdom. Youngest royal Princess Celie is the castle’s favorite and the feeling is mutual. But the royal family is in danger. While returning from a trip, the king, queen, and oldest son (but not the heir) are set upon by assassins and have disappeared. Evil counselors and foreign princes have declared them dead, but Princess Celie and her older brother (the heir) and sister know it cannot be true. Castle Glower helps them plot against the evildoers and save...