I put off reading this YA title for a long time. It was on every must-read list last year and every time I read a review of it, I thought, I have to read that book. And, yet, I didn’t want to. The premise: A girl, Hannah, sends off audio tapes of why she will kill herself to the 13 people who most affected her decision. The tapes are mailed (on the day she kills herself) to the first person first and then he/she must pass them on to the next. An acquaintance of Hannah has another set of tapes with the instructions to make all the tapes public -- to humiliate? to shame? -- them if the tapes are not listened to in their entirety by all 13. We hear (read) the tapes at the same time Clay Jensen does. And he, just as much as Hannah, becomes the protagonist in the story. Clay is a good guy and though Hannah says she doesn’t blame him for her rotten high school experience, it’s clear that by including him in the set that he was part of the problem (because he wasn’t enough of a solution)....
A blog about books ... those I've read, those I'm reading, and those I plan to read.