I love a well-written YA book -- one that has a strong voice, real situations, and realistic teens. Will Grayson, Will Grayson fills the bill. It’s a story about two Will Graysons—one straight and one gay—and Tiny Cooper, best friend of the former and short-time boyfriend of the latter (though that comes later). The Wills take turn narrating, with the gay will grayson using all lower-case. Plus they talk about different friends, different family situations, and, of course, different love interests, so you should be able to easily tell the difference. (Or you can be clueless like I was for about 1/3 of the book and then have it suddenly dawn on you. No matter that I read the reviews, which clearly state this fact. I forgot.) Tiny is larger than life. And the plot revolves around a musical he’s producing about his life. Will is an important character in that life story, though in typical teenage fashion, often feels not enough attention is paid to him. Turns out Tiny feels the same ...
A blog about books ... those I've read, those I'm reading, and those I plan to read.